
Psalm 23 re:mix (Blog post 7 & Quiz 7)

Psalm 23 is perhaps the most quoted, memorized, and well-known passage of the Hebrew psalter. It presents a strongly developed metaphor that makes clear this fact: much of the Bible is literary, imaginative, poetic, and not literal.

God is not actually a shepherd. He is spirit. But he is like a shepherd in certain ways. Not all ways, of course. God, as shepherd, does not as a general rule slaughter his beloved sheep. In other words, though a metaphor may have unlimited resonance, it can still have limits of scope.

David understood shepherds and sheep. Most of us do not. So, as powerful as this metaphor is, it may fail to fully engage and enrapture us with its deeper meanings and nuances.

Your task is to rewrite Psalm 23 from your own perspective, using imagery that expresses specific characteristics of God described in the Bible (his comfort, care, power, correction, guidance, presence, forgiveness, kindness, justice, mercy, etc.). Whether or not this is your personal view of God does not matter for this task. You will write as though you are David (or another psalmist) living in the 21st-century.

You must write three remixes: one about a person, one about a place, and one about a thing. Place and thing are somewhat related, so don't fret about technicalities. For example, "front porch" could be both a place and a thing. Fine. Just be sure to do 3 different remixes.

Your format must be as follows:
"The Lord is my ___________________, I have everything I need.

  • He...
  • He...
  • He...
  • He...
  • He...
You must have at least 5 bullet points for each remix. The bullets do not need to start with "He" - but that's the easiest rubric to follow. 

Here are a few examples to stir your creative juices (some of these are shorter than your requirements):
The LORD is my high-ropes course harness, I have everything I need.
  • He holds me tight and doesn't let go.
  • He is the foundation of my safety.
  • He gives me the confidence to do things I never thought I could.
The LORD is my recipe, I have everything I need.
  • He tells me exactly what I need.
  • He describes the steps I must take.
  • He leads me to fulfillment and satisfaction so I will be full.
The LORD is my orange spray, I have everything I need.
  • He has a sweet aroma.
  • He gently cleans away all the grease and grime.
  • He gives every surface a fresh start.
  • He makes things new, clean and inviting.
  • He is both strong and safe.
The LORD is my Disney World, I have everything I need.
  • He creates a world of wonder and awe.
  • He invites celebration, laughter, and adventure.
  • He is a place where I can play and laugh and rest with friends and family.
  • He invites me to be childlike and trusting.
The LORD is my Texas, I have everything I need.
  • He is bigger and better than anything else.
  • He is always there and will never leave.
  • He loves me even if I leave and always welcomes me back.
  • He is so much bigger and more than I can imagine.
  • He will forever be my home.
The LORD is my coffee, I have everything I need.
  • He greets me with a sweet aroma each morning.
  • He warms my soul.
  • He brings things into clear focus.
  • He gives me energy to meet the day.
  • He is a perfect reason to gather with friends for conversation.
POSTS ARE DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 by midnight. (Do it before Halloweening.)


  1. The Lord is my taxi driver. I have everything I need.
    -He drives me where I ask him to.
    -He knows the best route.
    -He sits quietly in my presence.
    -He talks when I address him.
    -He safely delivers me to my destination.

    The Lord is my library. I have everything I need.
    -He is my place of learning and growth.
    -He is a quiet place to process and think.
    -He uses others to point me in the right direction.
    -I could spend hours with him.
    -The knowledge he possesses is far greater than I can imagine.

    The Lord is my bonfire. I have everything I need.
    -His presence grows when we tend to him.
    -He consumes anything we discard.
    -He welcomes me in with his warmth.
    -He brings family and friends together.
    -He provides light in the darkness.

  2. The Lord is my Pilot. I have everything I need.
    - He lifts me high in the sky
    - He takes me to places I have never been
    - He is the autopilot of my life
    - He talks to me when it is turbulent
    - He lands safely on the ground
    The Lord is my Lake house. I have everything I need
    - He is calm as can be early in the morning
    - He is as smooth as glass when no one is around
    - He lets anyone swim in his presence
    - He is the place of family and fun
    - He is my home away from home
    The Lord is my Basketball. I have everything I need
    - He is my coach when I need instruction
    - He is open at any time of the night
    - He bounces back in the air even if I push him on the ground
    - He can be passed on to everyone, no matter who they are
    - He is my game to play when I want to blow off some steam

  3. The Lord is my music, I have everything I need.
    • He gives me medleys to sooth me
    • He gives me a reason to dance my heart out
    • He is my stress reliever
    • He gives me joy throughout my day
    • He gives me an escape from the world

    The Lord is my teacher, I have everything I need.
    • He gives me support and reassurance
    • He guides me when I get lost or confused
    • He opens my eyes to new things
    • He wants me to be the best I can be
    • He corrects me when I am wrong

    The Lord is my bed, I have everything I need.
    • He keeps me warm
    • He gives me relief at the end of a long day
    • He is always there for me when I need him
    • He puts me at ease
    • He gives me rest and recharges me for the next day

  4. The Lord is my twin sister, I have everything I need.
    -He is always by my side, through thick and thin.
    -He is a shoulder I can lean on in my times of stress.
    -He shows me kindness even when I do not deserve it.
    -He gives me joy and laughter.
    -He is my best friend.

    The Lord is my childhood blanket, I have everything I need.
    -He provides comfort and reassurance.
    -He keeps me warm.
    -He is always there when I need him.
    -He always brings a smile to my face.
    -He gives me a sense of relief.

    The Lord is my trip to the Smokies, I have everything I need.
    -He is as large and immeasurable as the mountains.
    -He is the beautiful and serene orange sky at dusk.
    -He is the rain that purifies the soil and everything that walks upon it.
    -He is the warmth from a single burning fireplace.
    -He is the comfort of a back and forth of a rocking chair.

  5. The Lord is my roommate, I have everything I need.
    -He calls out the messes in my life.
    -He holds me accountable.
    -He gets jealous when you choose someone else over him.
    -He accepts me even with bed-head and morning breath.
    -He is a constant source of friendship.

    The Lord is my Greyhouse, I have everything I need.
    -He is warm and inviting.
    -He gives me energy to make it through the day.
    -He gives me a community.
    -He is a sure pick-me-up.
    -He is warmth on a cold day.

    The Lord is my chaco, I have everything I need.
    -He leads me on adventures.
    -He protects my every step.
    -He is useful in every circumstance.
    -He is with me wherever I go.
    -He make me feel free.

  6. The lord is my best friend Allison Garrett, I lack nothing.
    •She’ll reprimand you if you do something stupid.
    •She always knows what to say when I need advice.
    •She is accepting of all people.
    •Her kindness influences others, especially me.
    •I have had a close connection with her since I was young.

    The lord is my Dolores Park in San Francisco, I lack nothing.
    •He provides me comfort and relaxation when I need a break from everyday trivialities.
    •He is open for anyone to come and explore him.
    •I am able to achieve great heights when I step in his path.
    •I am able to expand my vision when I achieve his elevation.
    •He is able to give me a positive and enjoyable common ground when I introduce him to new friends.

    The lord is my news production camera, I lack nothing.
    •He observes all actions, good and bad.
    •Through his perspective we are able to learn and progress.
    •He provides me the messages to share to others for knowledge.
    •He is complex and takes a fair amount of studying to understand how he operates.
    •He is what can provide me the strengths to excel in my intended reporting career.

  7. The Lord is my Coach, I lack nothing.
    He guides me to success.
    He enables me to betterment.
    He structures my week.
    He believes in me.
    His door is always open.

    The Lord is my popcorn popper, I lack nothing.
    He picks me up on stressful days.
    He is poppin'.
    He always provides.
    He is my best and favorite investment.
    He is with me for years to come.

    The Lord is my bed, I lack nothing.
    He is always there to return to.
    He renews me to strength.
    He is sacred.
    He brings a smile to my face.
    He is where I want to be.

    The Lord is my sports bra, I lack nothing.
    He is always close to my heart.
    He gives me support in times of chaos.
    He keeps me comfortable.
    He stays put.
    He is there for me in the long run.

  8. The Lord is my therapist, I lack for nothing.
    He gives me guidance.
    He listens to my concerns and worries.
    He keeps me sane.
    He supports my journey to understand myself.
    He allows me to feel safe in my emotions.

    The Lord is my bedroom, I lack nothing.
    He allows me tranquility.
    He changes to my needs.
    He is a place where I spend time alone.
    He provides me a place of rest.
    He is a place I can always go to.

    The Lord is my bath bomb, I lack nothing.
    He provides joy in the little things.
    He cleanses my body.
    He fills my space with gorgeous fragrance.
    He allows me to feel pampered.
    He gets me to relax.

  9. The Lord is a rock, I have everything I need.
    -He gives me a place to stand stong
    -He is strong when I am weak.
    -He stays put in my heart and doesn't move
    -He is never changing.
    -He is hard and is a tool for me to use.

    The Lord is my shoes, I have everything I need.
    -He keeps provides warmth when I am cold.
    -He protects my feet.
    -He is always there for me no matter how abusive I am to him.
    -He is always close to me.
    -Without him I would be in so much pain.

    The Lord is my smartphone, I have everything I need.
    -With him I know where I'm at.
    -With him I am always connected to the world. (MBOC)
    -He can tell me anything I need to know.
    -He can always show me my way home.
    -He is most helpful when I keep my relationship with him charged.

  10. The Lord is my home country Nigeria
    - She feels my belle with butterflies whenever I visit
    - She prepares a sumptuous meal( Plantain and Boiled spinach with assorted meat),though I walk the valley of death
    - She shows me the path of courage and endurance, for her namesake, I shall not fear
    - She maketh me lie down in infront of my grandparents to pay homage
    - She is very gracious to me, as I shall continue to wear my Dashiki( A native clothing)

    1. The Lord is my Water Source/Bottle
      -With him I am well hydrated
      -He makes sure I didn't pass out while running
      -He makes me realize how important he is, even though I sometimes want soda
      -He makes me feel healthy
      - He covers 70% of the earth

    2. The Lord is my apartment
      -In him I find solace
      -He keeps me safe from the hands of the evil world
      -He keeps all my valuables safe
      -He gives me privacy, which I cherish so much
      -He welcomes my close relatives with a complain

  11. The Lord is my pun... There is nothing that I lack.
    - He makes me laugh about the simple things.
    - He shows me how to find amusement in communication with others.
    - He brightens my day and sparks my mind to understand him better.
    - He inspires me to learn more about him
    - He makes me want to share him with others, so they can enjoy his goodness.

    The Lord is my couch... With him I lack nothing.
    - He comforts me after a long day and soothes my weary body.
    - He welcomes friends to enjoy his goodness and to gather in community together.
    - He allows me a place to relax in his presence.
    - He refreshes my body and energizes my spirit.
    - He is always waiting to welcome me home as a familiar friend.

    The Lord is my veterinarian... There is nothing that I want.
    - He brings comfort to those in need, and healing to those in pain.
    - He is always there, waiting to help in times of trouble.
    - He shows me how to care for loved ones in more selfless ways.
    - He helps me to find joy in the love of faithful companions.
    - He allows many the blessing of good health and peaceful memories.

  12. Person: Mom
    The Lord is my mom, and comforts me through His death.
    He sacrificed His desires to give me life
    and never fails to remind me of his spiritual presence.
    Though I cannot see him until my own death,
    He reminds me of his faithfulness, still.

    Place: Michigan
    The Lord is my Michigan, and encourages my interest in unknown explorations.
    His forests are my reward.
    His lakes leave me in agape awe.
    His adventures guide me to new discoveries-
    Through his starry nights, I find solace.

    Thing: Glasses
    The Lord is my glasses, and clears my path accordingly.
    He offers me new perspective,
    And his absence leaves my vision blurred.
    Even though I have to renew my lenses from time to time,
    His dependability is with me always.

  13. The LORD is my coach; I shall not want.
    -He gives me the tools to improve.
    -He corrects me when I make mistakes.
    -He has my best interests on his heart.
    -He designs a framework for my success.
    -We both have the same ultimate goal.

    The LORD is my mountain; I shall not want.
    -He is majestic and beautiful
    -He demands awe when I see him.
    -He provides peace in solitude.
    -He trains my body and spirit as I climb.
    -His glory limitless, even the peak speaks to his majesty.

    The LORD is my coffee; I shall not want.
    -He refreshes me every morning.
    -He warms my heart and brings joy.
    -He brings me together with friends and family.
    -He provides a pick-me-up in all the right moments.
    -The more I drink from him, the more that I want him.

  14. The Lord is my Tupperware, I have everything I need.
    -He will last me a lifetime.
    -He protects me in the heat.
    -He preserves me in the cold.
    -He can withstand the pressure in my life.
    -He keeps everything fresher longer.

    The Lord is my marching band friend, I have everything I need.
    -He understands my humor.
    -He marches with me, even if we cannot see each other.
    -He is with me when we go through stuff “one more time”.
    -He is with me when we work together to make something memorable, even if it’s short.
    -He is with me on the bus when everyone connects as family.
    -He different from me in talent and experience, but that doesn’t lead to true hate.

    The Lord is my reading spot, I have everything I need.
    -I can find him anywhere.
    -He is comfortable when I find the right way to mesh with his form.
    -He is the place I seek for a quiet moment.
    -He allows me to be free to imagine.
    -He is there for however long I stay; a moment or hours.

  15. The Lord is my phone, I have everything I need.
    He is my connection with others.
    He plays me music when I'm down.
    He reminds me to fulfill promises I made.
    He is there to save the day when my laptop is on strike.
    He is who I want to spend all my time with throughout the day.

    The Lord is my instructor, I have everything I need.
    He is patient.
    He is knowledgeable.
    He trains me through hard tasks.
    He trusts with my abilities.
    He is always forgiving of my mistakes.

    The Lord is my planet Earth, I have everything I need.
    He is majestic.
    He is self-sustaining.
    He is mysterious.
    He erupts and punishes,
    But he sustains us no matter what.

  16. The lord is my boyfriend, I lack nothing
    He is gentle and calm
    He is patient
    He loves even my burnt dinners
    He warms the car for me in the cold mornings
    He lets me steal his fries

    The lord is my library, I want for nothing
    He is filled with mysteries
    He can enlighten me about the nature of the world
    His presence comforts me
    He is the perfect end to a stressful day
    He is welcoming to everyone

    The Lord is my apartment, I lack nothing
    He brings the people I love together
    He is a shelter from the harsh weather
    He is ever changing but always there
    He is where I am most comfortable
    He feels like home

  17. The lord is my climbing harness, I lack nothing
    He cradles me safely when my feet can't touch the ground
    He gives me courage to climb higher
    He is accessible when I need him
    He accompanies me when I set out into the world
    He is a reminder to take the climb seriously

    The lord is my fire fighter, I lack nothing
    He is there in times of peril
    He extends himself for our benefit
    He protects us from harm
    He shows us how to be courageous in our own trials
    He inspires us to be the hero we see before us

    The lord is my McDonalds, I lack nothing
    He provides for us without asking for much in return
    He accepts as as we are
    He provides us cover from the cold, and light in the darkness
    He is always open
    He can be found anywhere you go

  18. The lord is my Dumbledore, I have everything I need.
    He has a plan to keep me safe.
    He always finds a way.
    He always helps those who ask for it.
    He is willing to sacrifice, so I can succeed.
    He guides me on my journey with his wisdom.

    The Lord is my ocean, I have everything I need.
    He is full of wonders unknown.
    He washes away the old and brings in the new.
    He is both gentle and powerful.
    He helps me stay afloat.
    He heals my wounds.

    The lord is my music, I have everything I need.
    He is the harmony that keeps me at peace.
    He is the rhythm that keeps me steady.
    He is the beat inside of my heart.
    He is the melody that I sing along to.
    He is the crescendo that helps me speak up.

  19. The LORD is my blanket, I have everything I need.
    He wraps me up in his embrace.
    He rescues me from the cold, hard world.
    He invites me to rest after a long, hard day.
    He warms me up and comforts me throughout the night.
    He begs me to stay in his presence a little longer.

    The LORD is my professor, I have everything I need.
    He teaches me lessons every day.
    He gives me new challenges and assignments.
    He executes fair and righteous punishments.
    He encourages me to do my best.
    He pushes me to succeed.

    The LORD is my Columbus, I have everything I need.
    He is friendly, familiar, and welcoming.
    He blesses me with my family and friends.
    He provides rest and relaxation after long weeks.
    He is beautiful, impressive, and fun.
    He will forever be my home.

  20. The Lord is my little sister , I have everything I need
    She teaches me
    She loves me
    She supports me

    The lord is my weight room, I have everything I need
    It strengthens me
    It gives me sanity
    It gives me purpose

    The Lord is a football, for I have everything I need
    It gives me purpose
    It gives me hope
    It gives me life

  21. The Lord is my momma, I lack nothing
    He has given me instruction since birth
    He provides my every need
    He wants me to be the best I can be
    He has been with me every step of the way
    He cares for my about my well being

    The Lord is my football field, I lack nothing
    He is my peace
    He witnesses my highest and lowest moments
    He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
    He allows me to do what I love
    He introduces me to my best friends

    The Lord is my bean bag chair, I lack nothing
    He comforts me
    He takes my mind off all distractions
    He makes me lie down and fall asleep
    He helps make my apartment a home
    He engulfs me completely

  22. The Lord is my Sherpa, I have everything I need
    He guides my path
    He shows me where to step
    He keeps me from falling off the cliffs
    He pulls me up when the mountains get steep
    He promises beauty at the top of the mountain

    The Lord is my Canada, I have everything I need
    He watches over me like the eagles on their perch
    He provides me with peace that surpasses understanding
    He captures my heart like the sunset
    He is as clear as the water, yet complex as the maze of lakes
    He is quiet as the breeze, yet loud as the waves

    The Lord is my guitar, I have everything I need
    He leads my heart to sing new melodies
    He guides my fingers upon the strings
    He makes my lips sing His praises, even while I play minor chords
    He is there for me always
    He is my piece of home wherever I go

  23. The LORD is my songbird I lack nothing.
    He wakes me up in the morning with sweet chirps.
    He flies overhead and watches my footsteps out into the dark morning.
    He leaves feathers on the ground to remind me of his tangibility in the universe.
    He touches the trees that I can’t reach and brings me their sweet flowers.
    He sings in my ears and whispers to my senses to always look for the beautiful songbird.

    The LORD is my theme park, I lack nothing.
    He throws me for a loop on the roller coasters.
    He gives me a headache when he takes me too fast around corners.
    He smashes me against people that don’t intend to stick around after the ride is over.
    He gives me an adrenaline rush like no other!
    He gives me happiness that is like nothing else and I never want to leave the theme park.

    The LORD is my matriarch and sometimes my patriarch, I lack nothing.
    He seems to leave and come back far and in between, like my father.
    He lets me know he will never let me go, like my mother.
    He gives me shelter, like my grandmother.
    He moves with the hands on my clock, like father time.
    He grows with the seeds I sow, like mother nature.

  24. The Lord is my brother, I lack nothing
    He is always there for me.
    He is my biggest fan.
    He enjoys and seeks my presence.
    He tests my patience.
    He is my ice cream buddy.

    The Lord is my Gridiron. I lack nothing.
    He is my happy place.
    He calms me when I am stressed.
    He has collected my sweat and tears.
    He is where I can express my passions.
    He is my way of meditation.

    The Lord is my coffee, I lack nothing.
    He keeps me warm when it is cold and cool when it is hot.
    He keeps me going throughout the day.
    He can be found on almost every street and in any store.
    He comes in all different size, forms, and flavors.
    He fills the air with pleasant smells.
    He is there cheering me along with every cup while I study.
