

Look through your notes from the recent round of Oral Papers. Engage with ONE of the oral papers in one of the following ways:
1. Present a disagreeing rebuttal to the thesis, providing at least TWO items of textual evidence that support your rebuttal.
2. Present a supportive response to the these, providing at least TWO additional items of textual evidence that bolster your support.

Please note: disagreeing with someone's thesis does not mean you thought their oral paper was weak or insufficient. It simply means you see things another way. So don't be afraid or worried about presenting an opposing view. In truth, a good thesis is one that a rational person can reasonably disagree with. So you needn't fret about hurting anyone's feelings.

If you take an opposing view, do it with respect and clarity.

If you take a bolstering view, do it without being overly "bravo awesome."

Simply state your case - whether you disagree or agree and why (based on strong textual evidence).

Ready: go. DUE by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 4th.


Genesis (re)considered

"In the beginning" is a phrase most people recognize. The words that follow may or may not be equally familiar.

If the full book of Genesis was a new text to you before this class, 1) what expectations did you have for it (and what were those expectations based on), and 2) how were those expectations surprised? In others words, how was Genesis not what you thought it would be? Provide at least one specific example (include verse and chapter as needed) and briefly comment on your changed perspective.

If the book of Genesis was a familiar text to you before this class, 1) what was your perception of it before this most recent read-through (and what were those perceptions based on), and 2) how was that perception surprised after reading and discussing it? In other words, how is Genesis something new or different or more than it was previously? Provide at least one specific example (include verse and chapter as needed) and briefly comment on your changed perspective.

NOTE: don't waste any words on an intro statement, needless blather, or fancy tangled sentences. Say what you want to say with confidence, clarity, concision, and cohesion. Be thoughtful. Write something of substance. Use however many words you need to make your brilliant observation, and not a single word more. At the same time, don't use one word less than you need to fully and completely make your brilliant observation.

You can do this. Don't fret. Think about it. Mull it over. Dance through it a few times in your head. Then write it down, type it up, check for spelling errors (do. not. skip. this. step.), get rid of stray commas, post it, and enjoy a snack.

Posts are due by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 12.

Carry on.