Psalm 23 is perhaps the most quoted, memorized, and well-known passage of the Hebrew psalter. It presents a strongly developed metaphor that makes clear this fact: much of the Bible is literary, imaginative, poetic, and
not literal.
God is not actually a shepherd. He is spirit. But he is
like a shepherd in
certain ways. Not all ways, of course. God, as shepherd, does not as a general rule slaughter his beloved sheep. In other words, though a metaphor may have unlimited resonance, it can still have limits of scope.
David understood shepherds and sheep. Most of us do not. So, as powerful as this metaphor is, it may fail to fully engage and enrapture us with its deeper meanings and nuances.
Your task is to rewrite Psalm 23 from your own perspective, using imagery that expresses specific characteristics of God described in the Bible (his comfort, care, power, correction, guidance, presence, forgiveness, kindness, justice, mercy, etc.). Whether or not this is your personal view of God does not matter for this task. You will write as though you are David (or another psalmist) living in the 21st-century.
You must write
three remixes: one about a person, one about a place, and one about a thing. Place and thing are somewhat related, so don't fret about technicalities. For example, "front porch" could be both a place and a thing. Fine. Just be sure to do 3 different remixes.
Your format must be as follows:
"The Lord is my ___________________, I have everything I need.
- He...
- He...
- He...
- He...
- He...
You must have at least 5 bullet points for each remix. The bullets do not need to start with "He" - but that's the easiest rubric to follow.
Here are a few examples to stir your creative juices (some of these are shorter than your requirements):
The LORD is my high-ropes course harness, I have everything I need.
- He holds me tight and doesn't let go.
- He is the foundation of my safety.
- He gives me the confidence to do things I never thought I could.
The LORD is my recipe, I have everything I need.
- He tells me exactly what I need.
- He describes the steps I must take.
- He leads me to fulfillment and satisfaction so I will be full.
The LORD is my orange spray, I have everything I need.
- He has a sweet aroma.
- He gently cleans away all the grease and grime.
- He gives every surface a fresh start.
- He makes things new, clean and inviting.
- He is both strong and safe.
The LORD is my Disney World, I have everything I need.
- He creates a world of wonder and awe.
- He invites celebration, laughter, and adventure.
- He is a place where I can play and laugh and rest with friends and family.
- He invites me to be childlike and trusting.
The LORD is my Texas, I have everything I need.
- He is bigger and better than anything else.
- He is always there and will never leave.
- He loves me even if I leave and always welcomes me back.
- He is so much bigger and more than I can imagine.
- He will forever be my home.
The LORD is my coffee, I have everything I need.
- He greets me with a sweet aroma each morning.
- He warms my soul.
- He brings things into clear focus.
- He gives me energy to meet the day.
- He is a perfect reason to gather with friends for conversation.
POSTS ARE DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 by midnight. (Do it before Halloweening.)